As pointed by the BBC, January has been long regarded as the darkest of months, but a formula from a part-time tutor at Cardiff University shows it gets even worse on Monday the 27th January.
1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA. Where:
W: Weather
D: Debt
d: Money due in January pay
T: Time since Christmas
Q: Time since failed quit attempt
M: General motivational levels
NA: The need to take action
Here are 3 simple things to beat the January blues..
1. Nyāsam: This is an excellent technique to relieve stress that cause upper back and shoulder tension. Place your hands just like the woman in the picture. Inhale and press your thumb to the index finger and then Exhale and release the pressure on the finger. Repeat with thumb to middle finger, ring finger and little finger. Do this three times on each finger.
2. Palming: Sitting comfortably or lying down, rub your hands together to create some heat and place your palms on your eyes. Breath here for 6 to 8 breaths. Repeat 4 times.
3. Exercise and meditate regularly.
Using the above formula, it is calculated that the effects of cold, wet and dark January weather after the cosiness of Christmas coupled with extra spending in the sales, 27th January was especially dangerous, coming a whole month after Christmas festivities. So take action NOW
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